• Conference: Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Logo

    Date: 18 November - 20 November 2024
    Title: Characterization of motor deficits in a mouse model of internal capsule stroke (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: Potsdam, Germany

  • Conference: Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Logo

    Date: 18 November - 20 November 2024
    Title: Tract masks for refined analysis of diffusion properties in motor tracts related to functional recovery after stroke in mice (talk)
    Presenter: Aref Kalantari
    Location: Potsdam, Germany

  • Conference: Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Logo

    Date: 18 November - 20 November 2024
    Title: Advanced clustering of stroke recovery in mice (poster)
    Presenter: Aref Kalantari
    Location: Potsdam, Germany

  • Conference: ESMRMB ESMRMB Logo

    Date: 2 October - 5 October 2024
    Title: Recurrence quantification of dynamic mouse brain networks derived from resting-state fMRI (talk)
    Presenter: Aref Kalantari
    Location: Barcelona, Spain

  • Conference: ESMRMB ESMRMB Logo

    Date: 2 October - 5 October 2024
    Title: Atlas-based tract masks for refined analysis of diffusion MRI in mice with cortical stroke (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: Barcelona, Spain

  • Conference: DACH-ISMRM Date: 4 September - 5 September 2024
    Title: Tract masks for refined analysis of diffusion properties in motor tracts related to functional recovery after stroke in mice (poster)
    Presenter: Aref Kalantari
    Location: Tübingen, Germany

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 12 March - 15 March 2024
    Title: Recurrence quantification of dynamic mouse brain networks derived from resting-state fMRI (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: Porto, Portugal


  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 14 March - 17 March 2023
    Title: How to produce and verify reliable MRI data: a standardized quality assessment approach (talk)
    Presenter: Aref Kalantari
    Location: Salzburg, Austria

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 13 March - 17 March 2023
    Title: How to establish and maintain a multimodal animal MRI data repository (talk)
    Presenter: Aref Kalantari
    Location: Salzburg, Austria


  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 15 March - 18 February 2022
    Title: Software tools for registration and analysis of multimodal, whole brain neuroimaging data (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: Thessaloniki, Greece

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 15 March - 18 July 2022
    Title: An automated tool for fast quality analysis of animal MRI (talk)
    Presenter: Aref Kalantari
    Location: Thessaloniki, Greece

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 15 March - 18 March 2022
    Title: Standardisation of MRI instrumentation and protocols (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: Thessaloniki, Greece

  • Conference: DGKN EMIM Logo

    Date: 10 March - 12 March 2022
    Title: Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates stroke-induced secondary thalamic neurodegeneration in mice (talk)
    Presenter: Blaschke S.
    Location: Würzburg, Germany


  • Conference: Society for Neuroscience Meeting SfN Logo

    Date: 3 November - 11 November 2021
    Title: Reactive Astrocytes Prevent Maladaptive Plasticity after Ischemic Stroke (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: online

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting COMULIS Logo

    Date: 2 September - 3 September 2021
    Title: Reactive gliosis is a critical pathophysiological component in normalization of functional connectivity after stroke (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: online

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 24 August - 27 August 2021
    Title: Reactive gliosis is a critical pathophysiological component in normalization of functional connectivity after stroke (poster)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: Göttingen, Germany

  • Conference: Göttingen Meeting, German Neuroscience Society NWG Logo

    Date: 22 March - 22 March 2021
    Title: Reactive astrocytes are necessary for spontaneous improvement of functional improvement and recovery after stroke (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: online


  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 24 August - 28 August 2020
    Title: Enhanced transhemispheric connectivity after cortical stroke in mice (poster)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: online


  • Conference: INCF Neuroinformatics EMIM Logo

    Date: 1 September - 2 September 2019
    Title: Automated atlas-based image analysis of in vivo and ex vivo rodent MRI data (talk)
    Presenter: Niklas Pallast
    Location: Warsaw, Poland

  • Conference: OHBM OHBM Logo

    Date: 9 June - 13 June 2019
    Title: Transcranial direct current stimulation reverses stroke-induced hyperconnectivity in mice (talk)
    Presenter: Blaschke S.
    Location: Rome, Italy

  • Conference: Bonnbrain
    Date: 25 March - 27 March 2019
    Title: Automated atlas-based image analysis of in vivo and ex vivo rodent MRI data (talk)
    Presenter: Niklas Pallast
    Location: Bonn, Germany


  • Conference: Society for Neuroscience Meeting SfN Logo

    Date: 3 November - 7 November 2018
    Title: Cloud-based relational database for managing large amounts of multimodal animal data (talk)
    Presenter: Markus Aswendt
    Location: San Diego, California, USA

  • Conference: Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Neuroprotection & Neurorepair Logo

    Date: 9 October - 11 October 2018
    Title: Atlas-based lesion mapping for in vivo MRI and ex vivo histology of stroke mice (poster)
    Presenter: Frederique Wieters
    Location: Dresden, Germany

  • Conference: TOPIM
    Date: 9 July - 14 July 2018
    Title: High-throughput, Python-based processing pipeline for pre-clinical MRI data (talk)
    Presenter: Niklas Pallast
    Location: Crete, Greece

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 20 March - 23 March 2018
    Title: Cloud-based relational database for multimodal animal data – a proof of concept (talk)
    Presenter: Niklas Pallast
    Location: San Sebastián, Spain

  • Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting EMIM Logo

    Date: 20 March - 23 March 2018
    Title: Monitoring neural lineage differentiation of stem cell grafts: An in vivo bioluminescence imaging and light sheet microscopy study (talk)
    Presenter: Stefanie Vogel
    Location: San Sebastián, Spain


  • Conference: TOPIM
    Date: 19 February - 24 February 2017
    Title: In vivo cell fate imaging: generating the timeline of neural differentiation (talk)
    Presenter: Stefanie Vogel
    Location: Les Houches, France